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News Release

RUSHVILLE, Ind. – At its annual employee appreciation outing, Sunday, September 9th, President, Tyler Usami, and Vice President, Brad Rist, for INTAT Precision, Inc., Rushville, IN, announced exciting news for the Rushville operations and the employees that make up the operation. INTAT’s parent, AISIN TAKAOKA CO., has authorized the expansion of the Rushville operation to include a 3rd casting line at their Plant Two facility. This represents, at a minimum, a $26 million investment that is targeted to begin and be completed in 2013. With this expansion, projected new jobs created could be as high as 45.

Rist shared “that this is the result of the level of performance that has been achieved at the Rushville operation.” Rist went on to share, “Our operation has really stepped up to meet several challenges the last few years, and through this recovery, we have demonstrated a confidence internally that made the decision to expand here the best choice. We believe that this decision coincides with a spirit of good things to come to the Rushville community. We are excited to be a part of it.”

“We could not be more happy for the INTAT family and what this means as a commitment to the future of INTAT within our community,” shared Mayor Mike Pavey. It has not gone unnoticed of the work that has been done to recover from both the economic downturn and natural disasters that INTAT has faced over the last few years to see where the level of operation is today. Furthermore, we have really seen INTAT’s effort to ‘step up’ its presence in the community and adopting a more active community citizenship. This decision further confirms INTAT’s commitment to the City of Rushville and Rush County. We applaud the efforts made in building a solid foundation within the operation for INTAT to give the green light for this level of investment, when we know there were other alternatives it could have taken.

Rist went on to say that he and his staff would begin working immediately with the City of Rushville, the Redevelopment Commission, the Rush County Community and Economic Development Corporation (ECDC) and the Indiana Economic Development Corporation to explore available programs that can assist in this expansion effort.

INTAT Precision, Inc. is an ISO14001 and ISO9001 registered company and a global manufacturer of OEM cast and machined precision castings serving the automotive industry.